European Commission: Google must come up with settlement proposal


The European Commission, Google has requested to urgently plans because the company may have at various points to abuse of its market position. The search giant will get a number of weeks, the time for the settlement proposal.

European commissioner Joaquín Almunia, responsible for competition policy, urges Google to develop a list of possible ‘solutions’. Reason is an ongoing investigation of the European data protection supervisor to the dominant market position of Google in the markets for search engines and onlineadvertenties. Also would the Google content from the websites of competitors re-use without requesting permission. Furthermore, would the zoekreus the advertisers not easy to make ads by other search services.

With the announcement of Almunia, it seems that the antitrust investigation Google is as guilty can be labeled, but that the EU also is a chance wants to give itself a settlement proposal to writing. Almunia gives Google a few weeks to be with their own proposals. According to the commissioner, is speed in this case is necessary because of the dynamic internet market.

Google let know in a comment that the comments from Almunia still studying. The company, however, disagree with the conclusions, but says that it is a dialogue wants to enter into with the supervisors. Furthermore it suggests to Google that the competition in the past two years has increased greatly since the EC an investigation has been launched.