Red Hat makes OpenShift-cloud platform open source


Red Hat has its platform-as-a-service OpenShift as open source released. OpenShift provides developers working within cloud environments support for various programming languages, including php, Java and Python.

OpenShift, which has been renamed to OpenShift Origin, consists of several open-source software components using the management tools from Red Hat can be controlled. The OpenShift paas platform is based on technology that Red Hat in 2010 got her hands after the takeover of the company Makara. Red Hat built on top of the software of Makara, a user interface, which is written in Ruby. All these parts are now as open source under an Apache 2 license available.

OpenShift Origin is available on a Fedora-based live cd as a virtual guest image, while the project is also on GitHub. With the publication on GitHub in the hopes that Red Hat, the development of OpenShift to be able to accelerate. Further, Red Hat has let know that the OpenShift Origin as a platform for new technology testing, a methodology the company also applies with the Fedora distribution.