Nokia suing HTC and BlackBerry-maker RIM to patents


Nokia sues HTC, BlackBerry-maker RIM and tabletmaker Viewsonic because of the violation of 45 patents. The lawsuits are filed in the United States and Germany and are about multitasking and power management.

It goes according to Nokia to essential patents, which the manufacturers, so a license need to have certain features in phones to implement. This is according to Nokia to hardwarepatenten such as the use of multimode radios and antennas with multiple functions. Also regards the software patents, such as displaying text messages from a conversation among each other, navigation, multitasking, encryption of data, the use of downloadwinkels, and retrieval of attachments in an e-mail.

It comes to a total of 45 patents. The indictments are submitted to please note that over FTC and various courts in Germany. Nokia wants the manufacturers compel the purchase of licenses, where HTC, RIM and Viewsonic shall pay an amount for the use of the technologies. Presumably Nokia are now in further negotiations to try the lawsuits to settle. Probably go to the manufacturers first, however, a tegenaanklacht submit, a regular practice in virtually all patentzaken.

Nokia’s portfolio in the area of patents is strong: so forced in the last year Apple into a settlement, while Apple and other manufacturers, no settlement has been affected. Nokia now receives hundreds of millions of euros per year to licentiegelden of the iPhone-maker.

Smartphonemakers his last years mutual get hooked up in a massive mutual patentstrijd: manufacturers have already reached settlement or have been sued. The largest and most well-known patentzaak is that between Samsung and Apple, but HTC is also Apple in the clinch. Nokia was until now largely on the sidelines, but said last year more aggressive patented technologies to want to defend.