Minister starts implementing national personendatabase


Minister Liesbeth Spies of the Interior has begun with the establishment of a national personendatabase. That must be the municipal databases to replace. Twelve municipalities are now going to start; in 2016 all municipalities.

By the end of this year, twelve municipalities on the rural personendatabase, let spokesman Frank Wassenaar of the ministry of the Interior know This is particularly important for medium-sized municipalities like the city of Alkmaar, Haarlemmermeer and Amstelveen. In 2016, requires all municipalities to adopt the new national personendatabase.

That rural database replaces the Municipal Administration. Up to now arranged each municipality its own storage of personal data. That is, therefore, a large national database, the basic register of Persons. That should be the maintaining and exchanging of information easier and cheaper.

That the government faces is, for the introduction of the national database is not, proposes spokesperson Wassenaar. “It’s going to be a journey that a long time ago was set in motion and that’s not really a political issue,” he says. “It is mainly a technical improvement.”