Lucasfilm let the name ‘Star Wars 1313’ capture


The American Lucasfilm has the name Star Wars 1313, as the trademark in the contract. The trademark covers various products, including books and video games. It is not yet known what Star Wars 1313 is exactly.

The by Lucasfilm established brand name applies for video games, books, and toys, reports Fusible. That may indicate a on hands his announcement of a new Star Wars game. Lucasfilm has yet published anything about the title. Also LucasArts, the company responsible for the gameproducties of Lucasfilm, has not yet commented.

Fusible speculates that it may go to a game around Star Wars icon Boba Fett. The website points out that Boba Fett, CT-1313 was once known as alias. Another clear link with the number 1313 is still not found. Fusible wrote last week in a message that Lucasfilm maybe a Boba Fett film prepares, on the basis of a series of domain names used by the company were registered. In combination with the Sunday spotted the trademark seems to justify the conclusion that it is not a film, but to create a game around Boba Fett.

Confirmation on that will have to wait until LucasArts or Lucasfilm made an official announcement about the title. The annual gamesbeurs E3, at the beginning of June in Los Angeles takes place, would be the stage for the announcement of these potential new Star Wars game.