Kaspersky: Apple is ten years behind Microsoft with security


The ceo of Kaspersky retrieves in an interview lot to Apple. According to the Russian security company running Apple with the security of OS X is ten years behind Microsoft and the number of updaterondes significantly.

The statements about a, in his eyes, lax security policies of Apple to come from Kaspersky-director, Eugene Kaspersky, in response to the wave of infections by the Flashback malware. According to Kaspersky runs Apple ten years behind Microsoft with securing its operating system. In the view of the Kaspersky-ceo there is little difference between Windows and OS X, because for both systems the malware is to develop.

The Flashback-malware, which hundreds of thousands of Macs infected would have been hit, had himself, according to Kaspersky without a lot of effort to be able to activate in user mode. In addition, the amount of malware that is specifically Mac users focus, continue to increase because the number of OS X users further increases, and the platform therefore be more interesting for criminals.

Kaspersky claims that Apple is currently in the same position as Microsoft ten years ago. At the time, was Windows, with its dominant position in a market overrun by malware, which the software manufacturer was forced to make its software more secure. The release of SP2 for windows XP is a good example. Also had Microsoft, the pace at which the updates came out quite a increase. Apple should, according to Kaspersky significantly more money to devote to adequately safeguard of OS X, among others, by performing security audits.