Microsoft devised smartphoneconcept in 1991


Microsoft has, in 1991, come up with a concept for a smartphone. This is evident from an interview with a former ceo of the company. The concept device had gps and e-mail support, and various apps on a screen rotate.

Also had the smartphone serve as a digital wallet, as appears from the concept that is published in the interview with Men’s Journal. The figure shows the different applications on the same screen, while several applications can be opened using a square icon at the bottom of the screen.

The concept is a slot for removable memory, while infrared is present. Although infrared is now rarely more on smartphones, it was for years commonplace on phones. Next e-mail had the concept for a smartphone, a fax and a pager format. Also would the phone contacts and music applications.

The concept is revealed by Nathan myhrvold who, a former chief technology officer of Microsoft, who conceived the idea. Microsoft thought, however, that the smartphone is too expensive and risky to develop. “Here, Microsoft had more to do,” said the former ceo.

Microsoft has never owned a smartphone released, but developed a Windows-version for pdas. From 2000, it was Microsoft also software for smartphones under the name Pocket PC, that was later changed in Windows Mobile. Since 2010 the name changed to Windows Phone. In 2010, Microsoft will be under his own name, with two ‘feature phones’, Chin called, but after a few months, the sale was discontinued due to limited success.