Firefox remove favicon from url bar due to security


In the new nightly version of Firefox, the favicon from the url bar disappears. That is what has happened with eye safety; now, users can always see whether a site is secure. Also is a visible or an ssl certificate, extended validation supports.

According to Mozilla developer Jared Wein give some sites a padlock as a favicon, so users may think the site has a secure connection, while it is not. That is why the favicon in the latest nightly build of Firefox deleted. Instead, it is shown that a website has a secure connection, writes Wine on his weblog.

So, it is a padlock symbol will be shown; is that not so, then the user will see a globe. If an ssl certificate support for extended validation, the padlock icon is green; otherwise it is gray. With ssl certificates without extended validation is the hostname not longer shown, because those already bolded, is shown in the url.

In the tabbladenlijst remains the favicon is also visible, so the icon of 16×16 pixels, that has existed since 1999, not completely out of Firefox disappears. In Google Chrome the same thing happens; also there is the favicon only in the tab bar shown. Wein expects the changes to mid-July in the stable version of Firefox to be implemented. Moreover, there is always the possibility that the changes be reversed.

Firefox and favicons: above the last stable, among the latest nightly