Google claims a pue value of 1.14 for its data centers


Google claims that its data centers approximately 50 percent less energy use than an average data center with a power usage effectivenessvalue of 1.14. In 2008, Google have a pue value of 1,21 with its data centers.

A pue value is a measure for the efficiency of a datacenter, where the total power is divided by the power consumption of the servers. The value gives an indication of which part of the energy is used by things like cooling, processors, and lighting. A lower pue value indicates an efficiently operating data center.

According to a blogposting of Joe Kava, responsible at Google for the management of data centers, has the search giant in its computer centres in the past year, a pue value of 1.14 know how to achieve this in 2010 at 1.16 lag. In the first pue measurements, performed in six data centers, obtained Google, in 2008, a pue of 1,21.

Kava states that the most profit is to achieve as much as possible freely available passive cooling for the servers to cool. At least three data centers would 100 percent be cooled without active cooling methods. How to use Google at a datacenter in Belgium cooling water from a nearby canal, while a computer centre in Ireland free air cooling used. In the Finnish place of Hamina is seawater used for the servers to keep them cool.

Another method for the energy consumption in its data centers to reduce the temperature in the computer rooms higher rise than average. This would be the temperatures sometimes higher than serverfabrikanten for their equipment as a maximum, but Google suggests that virtually all of the hardware here is good. Despite the heat in the data centers so increase that staff is compelled to the areas to leave.

With a pue value of 1.14 performs Google say significantly better than data centers, on average, do. In 2011, the average pue value of a data center is 1.8. In the Netherlands, the KNMI, and recently a new data center with a supercomputer to use took, also to a pue value of approximately 1,14. It is not yet clear when the KNMI, this score will achieve.