Minister Verhagen wants, barriers, cloud computing eliminate


Researchers say that cloud computing has potential, but that there is still uncertainty about the safety and continuous lwa authority. Minister Verhagen wants to work with cloud providers and the businesses that obstacles and remove.

This is evident from a report that Verdonck, Klooster & Associates has been prepared in order of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture & Innovation. The researchers conclude that business owners can save on it costs through the deployment of cloud computing, but there are some disadvantages to using it.

Thus, there must be clarity about the security and control of data via the cloud, set the rapporteurs. In addition, there are concerns about the continuity and dataportabiliteit, and is not always clear whether the use of cloud computing complies with international law.

“A major concern with regard to cloud services is continuity”, are listed in the report. “It is not, or poorly, the reach of cloud services can directly affect business customers, and maybe even for a whole sector or a part of the Dutch economy.”

“That’s why I want to be together with the business barriers elimination and the safe application of cloud computing to make possible”, said minister Verhagen, the recommendations from this research wants to use together with entrepreneurs and providers of cloud services a plan to work out.

It is notable that the researchers, the government recommend the use of cloud computing to stimulate and to lead by example by more use of cloud services. This advice seems to be at odds with the position of the cabinet, after an earlier exploration itself concluded that external cloud services, such as Amazon, Salesforce and Google, are not suitable for use by the federal government.

The market is ‘immature’ according to minister Donner. Only a small number of providers of cloud services would be ‘mature enough’ for government purposes can be used. Also prompt the government earlier, all the security and privacy risks that are associated with the use of external cloud services, and there were questions about the storage of data abroad. Virtually all major vendors of cloud services to use servers outside the Netherlands.

The researchers go on almost all known barriers, but offer nowhere concrete for the government to really big steps to make. “Although primarily the responsibility of the providers and customers of cloud services, the ministry of EL&I to contribute to the process of creation of more transparency. This can be looked at initiatives such as certification, education, vraagarticulatie and development, and use of (open) standards. By focusing on stimulating the personal responsibility of the providers can be the market, as is our expectation, self-evolve to a next maturity level.”