Julian Assange wants Australian politics in


Julian Assange has indicated that he wants to be in the Australian politics. The Wikileaks frontman wants to stand as a candidate for a seat in the Australian Senate. It is unclear whether a new party will be set up.

Assange, for over a year, placed under house arrest in the Uk pending possible extradition to Sweden, via the Twitter account of Wikileaks, its political ambitions to the world. The Australian states that he is from the Uk-Norfolk to participate in the elections for the Australian Senate. This will be in november 2013.

According to the Australian legislation allowed citizens who own land a prison sentence and have been more than one year are not candidates. The constitution says nothing about convicted Australians abroad, reports The Sydney Morning Herald.

It is unclear yet which state Assange wants to represent. Also, it is still unknown whether the 40-year-old Wikileaks frontman a private party shall establish or that he join an existing political movement. Assange would, however, have intentionally chosen for the Senate instead of the house of Commons, because in the Senate, small parties and eenmansfracties more likely to have a seat.