Encyclopaedia Britannica stops with the paper version


The publishing company behind the world-famous Encyclopaedia Britannica has indicated that there are no new editions, more will be printed. Once the current stock is sold out, will the encyclopedia, only in digital version to read.

According to Jorge Cauz, president of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., ran the sales of the paper edition, all times strong back. The choice to stop pushing would have nothing to do with competition from Wikipedia, according to Cauz. In addition, the benefits of a digital version large; according to Cauz is a printed encyclopedia is actually already outdated as soon as he is of the press rolls.

The encyclopedia grew in 1992 was a record year, when there were as many as a 120,000 sets sold. In 1996, that number had already fallen to 40,000. How many copies there in the past year are sold, is not known. The first version on cd-rom in 1989 and released since 1994 is the reference manual is also online to read.

Currently would be more than 100 million people use the online and mobile versions of the encylopedie. To users of the printed version to get the encyclopedia, a digital reading is the online edition of a week-long free to use. Normally cost access to the web-edition of 60 euro per year.

The first edition of the Encylopaedia Britannica dates from 1768 and consisted of only three volumes. Through the centuries, the number of pages strong, and the current editions covers in print but less than thirty-two books. Until 1900, the encyclopedia in Scotland made, then shifted the production to America. Who the complete encyclopaedia in printed form want to purchase must be quite the cut: the most recent edition will cost about 1435 euro.