Ask Google patent on ads during phone calls


Google has a patent pending on a technique in which a caller an advertisement will hear during the time that he must wait until the person called answers. The ad is adapted to the location of the caller.

The tone indicating that the telephone is ringing, is still to be heard, but in the meantime get the caller to an ad, hear. In that time, now there is only silence or noise to hear on the phone. Callers are not disturbed by the ads, says Google in the patent application. “The consumer is already listening to a different form of audio.”

It is unclear how Google will use the technology from the patent application would like to use. This is the cooperation of telecommunications providers is necessary, that the handling calls. Google manages the phone calls from customers with Google Voice. It is unclear whether customers free minutes or discount on their account get in exchange for listening to ads.

That the application is submitted, does not mean that he is assigned. Between trying to patent a invention and the use of the technology is often a few months to mostly a few years. A lot of technology in patents is described, is not or hardly used.