Synology brings out diskstation Manager 4.0


Synology has after the b lwa tarelease in January the final released Disk Station Manager 4.0. The management software for the nas systems, provides new functionality for file synchronization, and a more advanced package management.

The innovations in DSM 4.0 were first shown to the public at the CES trade show in January. Soon there was a beta released. Synology has promised the final of the Disk Station Manager 4.0 in march, and that the company is successful; the new firmware works on all models after 2008 have been released and is now download.

In the updated Disk Drive management software is among other Cloud Drive included. This Dropbox-like sync system makes it possible to folders on a computer to link to a shared folder on a nas. DSM 4.0 helps ensure that the files in these folders on both locations up-to-date. The tool QuickConnect makes it according to Synology’s possible to use Cloud Station without manually ports on the router open. In addition, a user can, thanks to version control to up to thirty versions of a file for inspiration.

DSM 4.0 also offers improved package management. As software packages are now individually to be installed afterwards via the web interface on or off. The redesigned gui that makes greater use of html5 and css 2d transforms. This is visible in the Pilot View, an integrated task manager.

The administrator can, via entitlement management to determine which packages for the users. Synology promises with DSM 4.0 also better support for mobile devices. So, from now on the Android tablets, Windows Phone 7 and the Amazon Kindle Fire supported. Disk Station Manager 4.0 offers antivirus software of the firm Clam, support for vlans and iscsi lun protocol.