‘Twenty percent better processor performance as possible with gpgpu’


Processors with both a cpu and a gpu on board would be a lot faster, as employees of the university of North Carolina. Cooperation of cpu and gpu would be a speedups of 20 percent.

Both AMD and Intel make for some time, and processors with both single or multiple cpu-cores as a gpu on board. AMD’s apus, or accellerated processing units combine cpu cores with a fairly powerful gpu with 80 streamprocessors, while Intel are more powerful cpu’s with a built-in gpu merges. The cooperation between the cpu and the gpu is however still far from optimal, as the American researchers, and the performance would be better.

The details of their method of publishing research leader Huiyang Zhou of the university and its employees only at the end of February. Or claim them in their tests, performance gains of an average of 21.4 percent to realize, but for what kind of tasks this applies is unclear. Their method makes use of the pre-fetch capabilities of the cpu-cores. That would be the tasks for the parallel processors of the gpu must be set up so that the gpu can be more efficiently used.

Considering the name of the paper, CPU-Assisted GPGPU on Fused CPU-GPU Architectures, the speedups especially for gpgpu-appropriate tasks. The research will be explained during the International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, which is an everyday applicability of the developed technique are perhaps a little less likely. The research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and AMD.