Friesland will not own .frl-domain


Friesland will not own .frl-domain. That the Frisian politics Wednesday decided. The Frisian politicians were already, since 2008, been concerned with the idea of a private top level domain, but there was still a lack of political support for the plan.

Several regions have or get their own top-level domain, but Frisian companies don’t get the opportunity .frl-domain name. The idea is already there since 2008, but the cost and time it would take before the extension could be taken were underestimated. The costs at the time were estimated at 60,000 euro, while registration of a .frl-domain name from 2009 may have been. That cost appeared to arrive at around two million euros.

The council members, the provincial “Second Members’, were also wary of the proposal, because all kinds of businesses at the expense of hunting were to be their domain name register. In addition, asked various members of the Provincial States are wondering what the point would be. Although many council members would like an amended proposal for a .frl tld had seen, decided the province, the provincial ‘cabinet’, the proposal to drop it. That happened Wednesday afternoon at a meeting of the commission Boarger and Mienskip (Citizens and communities) of the Provincial States, the ‘Second Chamber’ of the Frisian politics.

Catalonia wants even longer. Own tlds for regions were possible in 2008, when the umbrella organization, Icann decided such domains. From January 12 to april 12, everyone can have their own top level domain applications. The register of its own top-level domain is not cheap. For the setting up of the domain 185.000 dollars, are afgetikt, in addition to an annual payment of $ 25,000.