Samsung may custom Galaxy Tab in Germany to continue to sell


A German judge has ruled that there is no sales ban comes on the Galaxy Tab 10.1 N, the tablet that Samsung has developed after the sale of an earlier model was banned. There will also be no ban on the smartphone Galaxy Nexus.

The court in Munich believes that it is reasonable to assume that the patent on which Samsung according to Apple, infringed, invalid will be explained in the European registratiebureau for patents, reports Bloomberg. It comes to a patent that a technique is describes to the user to show that when scrolling to the end of the page is reached. Samsung would have tried to show that a similar technology already existed before Apple’s patent was submitted. By rejecting the Apple-referred to patent there is no sales ban on the Galaxy Nexus smartphone, which is also by Apple in the lawsuit was called.

Earlier recently, Apple filed a lawsuit against the first Galaxy Tab 10.1 because it too much on the iPad would seem. The German court went on here in that the sale was prohibited. Shortly afterwards, however, the release of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 N, where the edge further extends to the front of the tablet. The court ruled that there is enough visual changes to the sale of this model to justify it, and then Apple with a patentzaak tried.

Apple seems to be so with the lawsuits against Samsung has brought as yet little advanced. The sales ban of the first Galaxy Tab 10.1 remains, however, for example, in a German court in Dusseldorf recently. Also, there is still a case where Samsung once again is accused of copying Apple’s design in several tablets and smartphones. In the Netherlands, the court that the tablet in the shops should remain.

The lawsuit is just another in a long legal fight between Samsung and Apple. Finally, it seems both parties have little to have given. Apple got in the lawsuits that Samsung filed no sales ban is imposed, while the Korean manufacturer so able to show this with a new version to work.