Mandriva threatens to bankrupt to go


The company behind the Linux distribution Mandriva danger of going bankrupt. The company is in financial lwa le problems, but one of the shareholders does not approve a refinance. For this reason, this week the cloth to fall.

The ceo of Mandriva, the shareholders at the end of december already sent a letter in which the bankruptcy was discussed. The letter is only now on the forum of Mandriva posted and was selected by InfoWorld discovered.

The ceo writes that the light on January 16, turns off when there is no refinancing is concluded. One of the shareholders would be 4 million in the company want to cross, but the other shareholders would herfinancieringsplan have stopped. In particular, shareholder LinLux would put up a struggle. The ceo calls the refusal of the company to the refinancing agreement to go wrong.

Financial problems are not unknown territory for Mandriva. In 2010, the company was already almost over the head, but then jumps to new investors financially. Also in 2002, when Mandriva was still Mandrake was called and the company behind it still MandrakeSoft, there was talk of financial distress. Or the company this time again narrowly manage to get the financial problems under control, is unclear.