‘Incriminating material found on computers Manning’


The prosecutors in the trial against Bradley Manning during a pre-trial hearing that they are on computers and storage media of Manning incriminating material have been found, including a chatlog with Adrian Lamo.

Bradley Manning, the American soldier who is accused of secret documents have leaked to Wikileaks, according to military prosecutors, in a log kept of chats with Adrian Lamo. Manning became Lamo during the U.s. authorities indicated after the soldier had let you know that he’s sensitive data was passed to Wikileaks. The log would match the chat logs that Lamo handed over to the law enforcement agencies, reports Wired.

According to the prosecutors, there is a aunt of Manning is also an sd-card found in which secret information is found. What information is not made known. Furthermore, forensic investigators a log have found the Intel Link, a search engine that, among others within the U.s. army is used to find information on the secure SIPRnet.

The plaintiffs attempt with the alleged evidence of the military court to be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to prove Manning to continue. Wikileaks frontman Julian Assange has openly questioned the authenticity of the chat logs from Lamo, but now the prosecutors say that they can prove that they correspond to the logs of Manning himself, it is for the defense tricky to get to this point, the plaintiffs attack.