First dlc Modern Warfare 3 appears on 24 January


The first downloadable content for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 appears on 24 January, which at the same time, the start of the ‘dlc season’ for the shooter ushers. The exact content of the package is still unclear, but it contains at least one level.

Robert Bowling, creative strategist of Infinity Ward, announced in a video on Call of Duty: Elite announced that the dlc season for Modern Warfare 3 on January 24, start, a’ for members of Call of Duty: Elite. The shooting game is during the season equipped with new levels and different types of content, and specifically the game mode to Spec Ops called.

On Twitter put Bowling is a screenshot of a new level with the name ‘Park’ on 24 January suits. Website Joystiq notes that that name previously appeared in a video in which details of the dlc would contain. The other maps in that movie called Overwatch, Italy, concrete and Morningwood.

What is the content or price of the dlc will be is not known, or Elite members early access get neither. The package appears as first on the Xbox 360 by the exclusiviteitsdeal that Microsoft with Activision has closed. Probably receive the package a month later for the pc and PlayStation 3, as well as Black Ops was the case. Bowling promises that in January more information will appear.