The weather information, the Radar will remain free of charge for developers – update


Developers may weather data from the Radar after receiving permission to continue to use in their applications for smartphones. Said to RTL that you have to pay for the dates, but now says the media company that two things are achieved.

The iPhone app Rain next week from downloadwinkel App Store removed, because the developer Jeroen de Leeuw’s data without permission. The reason that RTL insisted on removal of the app would be that there is a lot of time and money is invested in the products of the Radar. Furthermore, it would RTL with it without permission, giving the dates of competition a head start, says a manager of the Radar against Jeroen de Leeuw, developer of Rain. “We encourage competition, but on a level playing field, in which the competitor themselves the dates, in the framework of the opendatapolitiek of the government, decrease against applicable verstrekkingskosten the case of relevant (semi-) public authorities.” The Lion, however, that the data is too expensive for an individual developer.

The Lion application Rain, which works on iOS, next week in the App Store removed. Other apps that work with data from the Radar are Rainy Days, Buienalarm and The Weather for Android, and Plu and Rain alarm for iOS. The maker of Buienalarm says to have not been contacted by RTL. “I always have a nice touch with RTL and foresee in the short term also, no problems.”

RTL confirms that the data is not more may be used for free. “Rain used the data without our permission. We think that’s not good,” says spokeswoman Sabine Scholten from RTL Nederland. “We invest a lot in Radar and he used it without paying and without permission. He had the proper roads to walk to use the data.” That consent is required for the use of data in apps, in the disclaimer at the site of the Radar. There is, however, nothing about payment.

The apps could be made because the Radar data is always free and freely available, suggested for developers. The data of the Radar may still be sites be used. The radar, which was founded in 2006, is this year acquired by RTL Nederland.

Update 19:58: RTL said in a written response to this article that developers do not have to pay for the use of data. There, permission should be sought or developers need the data itself buying at weerinstituut KNMI, says Scholten. “Here are two things confused with each other: the payment that must be made to the KNMI for the raw data and the consent Jeroen de Leeuw to us had to ask.” The written response is at odds with the call given reaction that formed the basis for this article. RTL stresses, further, that the own apps and website will remain for consumers.