Norma: moderniseer thuiskopieregeling to Belgian model


Norma, the rights organization for performing artists, argues on the eve of the parliamentary debate on the copyright for a modernized thuiskopieregeling. The scheme in Belgium lwa should serve as a starting point.

Wednesday, the various own parliament meets to talk about the proposals of Secretary of state Fred Teeven about changes to the copyright law. Teeven calls among other things for the setting up of a downloadverbod and the abolition of the current thuiskopiestelsel. Norma is fierce opponent of abolition and enables modernisation of the current thuiskopieregeling for.

Wisso Wissing, director of Norma, know that the politics of the current thuiskopiestelsel need to modernise. The Belgian model, that at the beginning of last year was adjusted, should serve as an example. In Belgium pay consumers over a broader number of image and sound carriers of a levy that is lower than the Dutch. Wissing says that the consumer will be little need to note in his wallet; how to pay a consumer in Belgium, a charge of 2.50 euro for an iPod Nano 16GB and 3.30 euro for a hard disk recorder with a disk of 250GB.

Another reason that the thuiskopieregeling should be kept, according to Wissing that European legislation stipulates that opposite it legal to create a privékopie a ‘full fee’. In the long term enables Deletion that there is a harmonised scheme should come from within the EU.

Deletion does not dare to judge whether his organization is sufficient support among the political parties has managed to gather to the thuiskopieregeling still afloat. “I can only hope that they listen,” says the Norma-director. Wissing says however by Teeven proposed downloadverbod, especially since this is not maintain. “Then is that law is a sham.”