Mozilla brings test-Firefox with native interface for Android from


Mozilla released a test version of Firefox for Android with native interface released. By native code to use, Firefox on Googles mobile OS for faster booting, less memory use and better respond to input.

The first test version with the new interface is now on the ftp site of Mozilla. Developer Mark Finkle explains in a blog post of what has changed and why. In the interface are the bars on the side disappeared. Those beams were visible with a swipe gesture. Instead, there are options below the Action bar, as that is common among Android apps.

Tabs manage via the tab bar at the top. By pressing the digit button, the user is given a menu containing the titles of all pages. The textual interface, provides a less modern look than the thumbnails in the default browser of Android 4.0. The browser also supports still Flash, where the default browser that does not do more.

Under the hood is also much changed; the rendering engine Gecko is running now, not in a separate process, but only in a separate thread. That the browser should run faster and the memory consumption down. The use of Javascript is limited, though there is still a lot of Javascript code.

It is unclear when the new version of Firefox for Android comes out. Mozilla has in the Market with both a stable release as a beta of Firefox. The beta is more than 100,000 times downloaded, while the stable version is more than five million downloads.