Dead Island is still banned in Germany


The German government has zombiegame Dead Island is still prohibited. The Bundespr lwa fstelle f lwa r jugendgef lwa hrdende Scriptures has the game on Liste B, which is to say that he is not with our German neighbours may be sold.

The overheidscommissie who need to assess whether games are suitable for the German youth, will find that Dead Island is a bad influence. Dead Island is already since september on the market for the pc, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It was created by the Polish developer Techland and released by Deep Silver, part of the German Koch Media.

The ban came not unexpectedly, told a spokesman of the developer at Eurogamer. “Germany has unique rules surrounding video games and violence, and you have to accept that. Both Deep Silver if Techland were from the beginning always aware of this possibility.”

The game gave birth to earlier this year caused a sensation with an impressive trailer. On the basis of that trailer, the film rights to the game sold. If the film is to come, based on the trailer and not so much on the game. The trailer fell also in the prizes at a festival for commercials.