Versio says persistent ddos attacks can save


Hosting provider Versio says the ongoing ddos attacks on web hosting and reseller platform to be able to parry due to the installation of new anti-ddos hardware. Probably a botnet, used to the hoster to harass.

On Tuesday of last week suffered Versio with over an hour of downtime caused by a large scale ddos attack. This was approximately 40 percent of its web hosting and resellerplatform some time unattainable. The company left after the downtime, know that it is right to take measures to prevent recurrence, among others by anti-ddos hardware to install.

Versio-owner Reshad Bashir late know that in the past few days, still small-to large-scale ddos attacks on its platform, but that the purchased ddos equipment and knows how to prevent the hosting platform again fails. Versio has not specified networking devices of the company Riorey installed; a similar appliance in 2010 installed.

Bashir does not know for what reason the ddos attacks focus on its hosting platform; however, large-scale use of spoofed ip addresses. The ddos attacks, which only months ago, are presumably coordinated by a botnet. In addition, the owner of Versio that ‘a reasonable number of customers’ use of the opportunity to be a part of their money back because of the downtime.