Hoerenlopersforum Hookers.nl ge lwa njecteerd with malware


Visitors of the Dutch and Belgian site about hookers, Hookers.nl and Hookers.be, were malware-treated when the forum visited. It is unclear how the malware via the site spread could be.

“Because of a so-called malwarescript we had for our and your safety the forum off until we investigated were where the problem was. We currently have the ability to delete and run it again”, ordered the administrator of Hookers.nl Friday know on the forum.

Saturday night was the forum, however, again temporarily down. Had the administrators not all malwareverspreiding know. Some of the forum visitors at the forum expressed their browsers reported java plugins which itself tried to install.

It is unclear how long the distribution has been able to continue. Hookers.nl is donderdagvond a few hours offline, but it was Friday and Saturday again temporarily accessible.

Googles diagnostic page for the site noted that the malware came from different domains of the cocos islands. The malware would 27 scripting exploits, 19, exploits and 5 trojans. A visitor reports that the Security Sphere 2012-scareware was installed. Via Hookers.nl would the malware to Hookers.be dispersed. It is unclear how the diffusion has taken place. “Obviously that is not something we here from the fabrics can do,” says the administrator of the forum. Possible via a hidden iframe has happened.