British government wants to automated control of internet criminals


The British government is thinking about the monitoring of internet criminals. If a judge has ruled that they are not, for example, social media use, the police can automatically be warned if they do.

That is, in the new ict-security strategy of the Uk government. Judges may now impose penalties where certain internet is prohibited, for example, as part of a judgment or when a defendant his trial in freedom must wait. That happened for example when hackers part of Anonymous; they were not allowed nicknames on internet use and had the irc channels of Anonymous avoid.

The British government now think about a way to ban automated to maintain, by means of so-called ‘cyber-tags’. If someone has the ban violates, the police are automatically notified. In addition, the government wants to promote the fact that judges the verbodsmogelijkheid use. That may be subject to other litigation in which a person has been guilty of fraud, harassment or sexual offences.

It may be suspects and convicts be forbidden to veilingssites or social media to engage, if the suspicion exists, that one is again for the same crime is guilty. In the strategy the government is there to think about to this possibility of the imposition of ‘cybersancties’ extend to other types of crime.

Earlier on Friday reported all that the British intelligence service GCHQ companies is going to help with their ict security. Also get the British ministry of defence, a special department for cybercrime and should be easier for the government declaration of ict fraud to do.