Ballmer: ‘We are and remain in the Windows era’


Microsoft ceo Steve Ballmer says that we are not in a post pc era, such as Apple ceo Steve Jobs previously said. “We were, we are and we remain in the Windows era,” insured Ballmer during a shareholders ‘ meeting.

During the aandeelhoudersmeeting came under more the future of the company to bid. “We are in the Windows era. There we sat in, we sit in and we will sit there”, replied Ballmer on the question of whether the technology-industry in the post pc-era. “We’re in an era where the number of devices continuously increases. This is an opportunity that we will exploit for Windows in different new ways.” The ceo is referring most likely to the development of Windows 8, except on x86-based computers also on arm tablets will run.

Founder Bill Gates, who was also at the meeting was present, is that Microsoft is still in development. “We have a lot of to the smartphone – and tabletwereld on his header to convert. A lot of smart people within our company work there currently,” he explains. Also in business, Microsoft will, according to Gates should continue to develop.

During the meeting, arose also the question of whether Microsoft would ever be broken. The shareholders were wondering whether that leads to more value. If Ballmer is, however, no breakdown. According to Ballmer, should the development of new technologies not be impeded. He mentions, among others, the ability to use Bing search engine in pcs, tvs and smartphones to use. “That is a lot harder if there are several groups of shareholders, are each important parts of the company possess.” Ballmer thinks that Microsoft is the next ten years a huge growth is going to go through.