Red cross and UN are calling for break in Fighting in Aleppo



Red cross and UN are calling for break in Fighting in Aleppo

For aid organizations and UN fire breaks represent in the short term, the only way to be able to the population of the Syrian city supply – if equipped yourself with enough money.

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The battle for Aleppo is coming to a head







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The battle for Aleppo is coming to a head

The German Red cross has been calling for a pause, for humanitarian aid for the besieged Northern Syrian city of Aleppo. Secure access is the basic requirement to be able to the people the much-needed food, water and medicines, is the DRC-Syria-expert Christian Hörl in the Südwestrundfunk said. For the Red cross, just to the West of Aleppo, but not to the East to help the Syrian Red Crescent was accessible. During the Regime of ruler Bashar al-Assad dominated the Western part of the city, to control rebels in the Eastern district.

Red cross: No clarity on military situation

At the weekend there were conflicting reports as to whether the siege of the Eastern part of Aleppo has been breached by the Regime of the rebels. The Red cross is no reliable information, said Hörl. The situation for the people trapped have worsened in the past hours, but “dramatically”. In the besieged areas up to 300,000 people from the outside world were cut off. “The current Offensive is not, of course, that the people better,” said the red cross representatives.

Residents of Aleppo are in line at a bakery in the North of the city

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Aleppo is famous for its inhabitants in these days of hell on earth. The cruelty of the battles says it all about the future of those who leave Syria is now, writes Rainer Hermann of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

After the siege by the Syrian government troops breached, announces the rebel Alliance, a decision the battle of the whole of Aleppo. Meanwhile, Russia and Assad to intensify the air attacks. (07.08.2016)

In the Syrian city the Assad move troops further and further to the drawn-out jihadists. Their situation seems hopeless. A military victory alone is expected to bring peace to the country. (03.08.2016)

Representatives of the United Nations has warned again that it is a serious humanitarian disaster in Aleppo and all over Syria. “The situation is very serious, very bad,” said Kevin Kennedy, the coordinator of the UN for the Syria crisis, in the Bonn “General-Anzeiger”: “Every day are killed dozens of people by the violence, especially women and children, it is true.”

UN coordinator: 48 hours of rest per week

Still there were food supplies in the East of Aleppo for around 150,000 people for three weeks, stressed Kennedy. But here, more than 250,000 people waited, waited for help. Therefore, the United Nations demanded unimpeded access to these people. Kevin pleaded for a minimum 48-hour break per week for the city: “Then we could move goods and people could come out.”

Kennedy complained that the UN only 27 percent of the 2016 need US $ 3.2 billion had been given to the relief efforts within Syria. Also for the help in the Region, to support Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon, had received only 43 per cent of the required approximately 4.5 billion US dollars.

sti/kle (dpa, kna)