Lineage II is free to play


The South Korean NCsoft makes mmog Lineage II free to play. The new business model is at the same time, ge lwa introduced with the expansion Goddess of Destruction later this year. NCsoft hopes to make money on microtransacties.

NCsoft expect to be able to make money by selling in-game items. That are not objects which the characters of players will grow stronger, but virtual objects, which allows players to faster experience gain, and thus faster the maximum level 99 reach, the South Korean publisher, in a statement. The conversion to a free-to-play model later this year, together with the introduction of expansion Goddess of Destruction. The expansion is, according to NCsoft, the largest in the history of the game, and adds 400 hours of gameplay to the game.

Matt Turetzky, director of NCsoft West, has a lot of confidence in the transition to the new business model, because the conversion to free to play in their own City of Heroes was very successful. The Korean publisher is doing well in the Western market. In addition to Lineage II and City of Heroes brings the publisher also have Guild Wars on the market, while hard is working on the successor to Guild Wars 2. Earlier this year, announced the publisher moreover, the new WildStar. Of the two upcoming mmog’s is not yet known when they appear, and also not any model for NScoft wants to go and handle.