45 Positive Tests from Beijing and London



45 Positive Tests from Beijing and London

A second round of follow-up activities of frozen samples of the 2008 and 2012 Olympic games transferred again many doping sinners. The IOC lauds himself whether his efforts against Doping, but no name.

45 other participants in the Olympic games of Beijing 2008 and London 2012 have subsequently been tested positive for Doping. This resulted in a second wave of Doping additional tests, such as the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced. The total number is subsequently convicted of Doping-sinner
now stands at 98, in the case of 1.243 carried out in the second samples. “The new additional tests show once again the commitment of the IOC in the fight against Doping,” said IOC President Thomas Bach.

23 medal winners from Beijing affected

30 the new doping cases come from the Beijing Games, including 23 medal winners. The positive cases come from four sports, and relate to eight countries. The 15 other positive re-testing the recent Olympic games in London, referring to two sports and nine countries.
The name of the IOC is not called again. The affected athletes and their competent National Olympic committees were informed of the sanctions, which now can be initiated. The IOC announced that after this year’s summer re-testing the games in Rio in Beijing and London.

HP/asz (dpa, sid, Reuters)