5 buildings, of which you may not have known that the construction lasted more than 500 years


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5 buildings, of which you may not have known that the construction lasted more than 500 years

Perfectionism, Lack Of Interest, Cultivation Measures. There are many reasons as to why construction in the length. Sometimes, even centuries. From Cologne Cathedral to Stonehenge: duration of the construction sites of the history.

  • Westminster Abbey

    Since the times of William the conqueror, the English kings, and the king will be here to be crowned. The history of the building goes back even further. In 7. Century there was a Church with the name “West Minster”. Which was built in 1245, the present Church walls. The last cultivation with the two main towers was completed in 1745, the total construction period: 500 years.

  • Milan Cathedral

    He is not only the symbol of Milan, but also the most important work of Gothic architecture in Italy: the Cathedral of Santa Maria Nascente, in short, of the Cathedral of Milan. In 1388, the foundations were laid. After that, many architects took over the construction, before the Church was completed in 1965, is finally complete. Construction: 577 Years.

  • Cologne Cathedral

    The Cologne Cathedral is a Church of superlatives. In the completion in 1880, he was the highest construction in the world, also the largest steel structure of its time, with the largest free-swinging bell. The Cathedral has the oldest representation of the crucified Jesus, and the greatest choir in all of Germany. But also the construction period is record-breaking: 632 years.

  • Alhambra

    It is perched on the Sabikah hill in Granada, Spain, and is considered to be one of the most significant examples of Moorish architecture. The Unesco world heritage site is visited each year by more than three million people. Whether the be surprised to cover in the face of the many magnificent stucco and ornately carved wood, that in the “red castle” over 600 years to build? Probably not.

  • Stonehenge

    How long Stonehenge was constructed, nobody knows exactly. Scientists believe, however, that the plant originated in the South of England in at least five phases of construction over a period of at least 1400 years. Even more controversial is what the building was built at all …

    Author: Antje Binder

  • Westminster Abbey

    Since the times of William the conqueror, the English kings, and the king will be here to be crowned. The history of the building goes back even further. In 7. Century there was a Church with the name “West Minster”. Which was built in 1245, the present Church walls. The last cultivation with the two main towers was completed in 1745, the total construction period: 500 years.

  • Milan Cathedral

    He is not only the symbol of Milan, but also the most important work of Gothic architecture in Italy: the Cathedral of Santa Maria Nascente, in short, of the Cathedral of Milan. In 1388, the foundations were laid. After that, many architects took over the construction, before the Church was completed in 1965, is finally complete. Construction: 577 Years.

  • Cologne Cathedral

    The Cologne Cathedral is a Church of superlatives. In the completion in 1880, he was the highest construction in the world, also the largest steel structure of its time, with the largest free-swinging bell. The Cathedral has the oldest representation of the crucified Jesus, and the greatest choir in all of Germany. But also the construction period is record-breaking: 632 years.

  • Alhambra

    It is perched on the Sabikah hill in Granada, Spain, and is considered to be one of the most significant examples of Moorish architecture. The Unesco world heritage site is visited each year by more than three million people. Whether the be surprised to cover in the face of the many magnificent stucco and ornately carved wood, that in the “red castle” over 600 years to build? Probably not.

  • Stonehenge

    How long Stonehenge was constructed, nobody knows exactly. Scientists believe, however, that the plant originated in the South of England in at least five phases of construction over a period of at least 1400 years. Even more controversial is what the building was built at all …

    Author: Antje Binder

If you must leave the Rhine countries to one, then the: you make no unnecessary Stress. “Et kütt as et kütt!”, it is said in the “Kölsch basic law”, and that you take also literally. One of the best examples of the construction of the Cologne Cathedral. The second highest Church building in Europe is now the Pride of the city. It is hardly conceivable that the people of Cologne have left in the establishment of their Prestige-Church more than 500 years.

Large and modern

In the euphoria of the start of construction in 1248 and was still great. The largest building North of the Alps should be the Dom. 145 meters in length and 157 meters high, not only stately, but also a contemporary building in the then fashionable Gothic style. Already, some 70 years later, the choir was inaugurated, for the time that was really fast.

However, after and after Cologne lost interest in the Dom. In the 16th century. Century, the Gothic Look didn’t fit so right for the Zeitgeist. It was the time of the Renaissance and the Reformation, the break between the Church and the bourgeoisie. Becoming less and less pilgrims brought money. In 1560, the construction of the Cologne Cathedral was set finally.

The next three centuries, the Cathedral, unfinished, in the city centre. A ruin, the medieval Crane on the South tower of the involuntary was the landmark of the city. In the 18th century. Century was the building of the French revolutionary troops, in the meantime, alienated even as a horse stable purpose.

632-Year Construction Period

However, like all seemingly outdated Trends, the Gothic has experienced at some point, a Revival. In the romance, the Cologne looked back to the middle ages and finally found in the 19th century. Century the interest not only in your building, but also the old blueprints. In 1880, the Cologne Cathedral was finally completed, all the 632 years after the Foundation stone was laid.

To conceal instead of this fact, however, stated the Cologne on him even in the deed: “To the eternal memory of the history of six centuries of happy ended Expansion of the largest German Cathedral,” it says proudly. Ah, the relaxing of the Rhine countries. You are not the only ones that can Build a lot of time, like our High-Five-Ranking of the European permanent sites.