Nice: France, why?



Nice: France, why?

France has suffered seven terrorist attacks, with more than 140 dead. Why France is so frequently the target of terrorist attacks, declared Interview, the political scientist, and Frank rich connoisseur Ronja Kempin at the DW.

Deutsche Welle: another terrorist attack. Why is it always France?

Ronja Kempin: There are several reasons for the interlocking and the France so vulnerable. For one, France is one of the European countries, which participate very strongly in the so-called international war on Terror. France is militarily in Syria and Iraq and bombing there positions of the “Islamic state”.

Second, we must not overlook the fact that France has, due to its colonial past, with a large Muslim community, which has a double citizenship, so the French and in the rule of their original country of origin. To control these citizens in the Moment in which you to authorize a radical, is, for the French authorities is very difficult, because you can use your French passport very easily and leave the country. You do not need a visa to as Syrians, Tunisians, or Algerians in France, to stop.

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Then there are reasons, which are, of course, also in the Interior. France is a secular state. That is, in the country, a strict separation between Church and state. The state does not feel responsible for religious matters. That is, he is not looking for a long time, which is, in particular, in Muslim communities in France. Radicalisation that took place there in the past, have gone to the state over, because he felt they simply are not responsible.

In addition, the country has a very high unemployment at the Moment. Almost ten percent of the population is unemployed. Serious unemployment among young people with a migrant background, which is 46 per cent. These young people have no perspective. Here we have the potential for radicalisation in the country.

Finally, the cooperation of the French secret services is still problematic. The French secret services to cooperate, as yet, not sufficient. It information gaps arise again and again, at the same time, the policy is not a means to improve cooperation between the services. The gaps that we see in the attacks, often have fatal consequences for the country and for the population.

There are several countries in the Front line against the Islamic terrorist and there are also the social ills, why is it then still France ?

If you are in France, for example, compare with the UK or the USA, the two most prominent countries that are also engaged militarily very strong in the fight against the “Islamic state”, then it seems that France is geographically very much easier to, for example, than the UK, with the island location. To reach the United States, the just for the terrorists to materialize in North Africa, in the Sahel or in the Middle East, in Syria, in Iraq, a radical but very much more difficult than the French territory.

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Richard Gutjahr was an eye-witness of the assassination

Do you have an explanation for why the attack took place just now?

There are two clues that this is a “why now?” answer. For one, it is a very symbolic day, the 14. In July, the French national holiday, which is traditionally used to celebrate the values of the French Republic. Liberty, equality, fraternity, the accomplishments of the 14. July, 1789. France sees itself not least as a result of the French Revolution as the mother country of democracy and of human rights. To perpetrate to this day, a terrorist attack, which shows: the values of The Republic, we do not share absolutely. We are opposed to this and while very active, as it would be of symbolic content: a very severe blow against all that France, national, and international.

Second, the French President, on the Morning of the 14th. July said in his traditional speech to the national holiday, you would get the Situation with a view to terrorism, a much better grip. And now, when this terrorist attack Islamist is motivated, then that would be a clear Signal of the Islamist terrorists not to say: you get us into the handle.

To what extent do you expect now after the attack with a harsh counter-reaction in France?

At the present time, you may think, I have to say that the military is not lift Engagement in the Region, as well as to the French government.

We must not overlook the fact that since the attacks of last November, about ten thousand soldiers in the country’s interior are used. The France weakens with a view to its capacity for external action, of course.

Ronja Kempin analysed the situation in France, for the Foundation’s policy and science in Berlin. She studied in Paris in political science.

The interview was conducted by Wolfgang Dick.