Tesla CEO Musk: No unfinished Software


Automotive industry

Tesla CEO Musk: No unfinished Software

The Federal motor transport authority doesn’t like the designation “Beta”, with the car manufacturer, Tesla has to be “Autopilot”System. In the Tech industry, this is still unfinished Software.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has defended the driving assistance System “Autopilot” of its electric cars after the first fatal accident. It is not a work in progress, although it had been introduced with the designation “Beta”, he said in the short message service Twitter on Monday night. Tesla mean by this is, rather, that the Software is not yet a billion miles (1.6 billion km) under real road conditions. You have also resorted to the word, so that the driver made it too comfortable at the wheel, said Musk: “It is not Beta Software in the usual sense.”

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He was responding to the doubts of the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) technology having regard to the “Beta”label. So is not mentioned in the Tech industry still mostly a finished Software, which should be testing better. “If the name “Beta-Version” of a “work-in-progress” status of the Software is meant to be, would not approve the KBA functionality, with such Software,” said a spokesman for the Bay office of the “world on Sunday”. The Tesla’s have been approved for use in Europe in the Netherlands, where Tesla has an Assembly plant.

“No substitute for experience”

The “Autopilot”System had been provided with the designation “Beta”, “to not make those who choose to use that it is perfect,” wrote Musk. Before a billion were miles driven, “not enough data”. The technique had been tried two extensively in the laboratory and with Tesla’s fleet of test vehicles. “But there is no substitute for experience in the real world.”

According to Tesla, there has been a death in the family to around 130 million miles (200 million kilometers), which were driven with the System. It was better than the usual average in the case of human drivers.

Fatal Crash with truck

In the case of the accident at the beginning of may, a Tesla with the “Autopilot”System was a cart under a load-trailer barreled, had crossed the roadway. Tesla stated that the System will have kept the white side of the trailer for a high-hanging highway sign. According to the case, among other things, the EU is considering a Commission about whether the use of driving assistance-should systems be re-regulated.

The Crash could also affect the way the industry to self-driving cars. Some manufacturers take the approach of, such assistance functions to fully Autonomous Driving grow. Tesla has always insisted, “Autopilot” is only a driving assistance System, and don’t make the Tesla’s to fully self-driving cars. That’s why the manufacturer calls upon the driver to keep the Overview over the traffic situation, to be able to intervene at any time.

At the same time on numerous Videos on the Internet, such as drivers on the System trusted him control left. The “Autopilot”System you can keep track of distance and pace, as well as on request of the driver to a lane change.

ul/bea (dpa)