Gauck calls on Germany and Poland to the Dialog



Gauck calls on Germany and Poland to the Dialog

The ratio of the two countries, it is not ordered at the moment. Now, both are celebrating an anniversary. Federal President Joachim Gauck – the advocates for a greater perception of the Eastern neighbours – admonished both sides.

German President Joachim Gauck (R) welcomes his Polish colleagues Duda in Berlin

“Closer to the back. Listen to each other. Each other seriously,” demanded Joachim Gauck, at the reception of his Polish colleague Andrzej Duda in Berlin. “Dialogue, even controversy, remain indispensable for me,” he added. The Federal President was welcomed by Duda before with military honors at Schloss Bellevue.

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On the occasion of the visit of the 25. Anniversary of the German-Polish neighbourhood Treaty. The set of rules that laid the Foundation for German-Polish reconciliation, friendship and cooperation, was on 17. In June 1991, had been signed. With this agreement, Gauck called on both countries to further approach.

Refugee Crisis, Judicial Reform, Media Policy…

However, the relationships are currently not. They are even regarded as quite charged, among other things, due to the different positions in the refugee crisis. Dispute between Warsaw and the rest of the Europeans, there are also due to the reform of the judiciary and of the media policy of the national conservative Polish government. EU human rights experts to speak of a softening of the Polish law.

The Federal President admonished in his address, now understanding, “in the West of the continent” for “cultural norms and Standards” in Central and Eastern Europe. He called on to consider the conditions under which the people lived there to decades of Communist rule.

Gauck also praised Poland’s role in the upheaval in Europe, and German reunification. The German-Polish rapprochement in the last quarter of a century he called a “turning point”. With reference to the good economic relations, youth exchanges and partnership in EU and NATO, he added: “We are certainly closer.”

President look disconnected football

Close no close friends came, but – at least at the moment. And also the European championship football match between Germany and Poland this Thursday night want to look at Duda and Gauck prefer to separate. Duda followed with the game – in a circle of people – in the Polish Embassy in Berlin, Gauck private. A German-Polish politics few there are, nevertheless, The two foreign Ministers Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Witold Waszcykowski are together in the stadium in Paris.

se/wl (dpa, afp)