Many of the prisoners from the IS-dungeon freed



Many of the prisoners from the IS-dungeon freed

The Iraqi army reports from your foray against the jihadists in Anbar province, the happy deliverance of hundreds of civilians. The USA have it apart, meanwhile, is also on the leadership of the IS.

Iraqi army in a military operation, here in Mosul

Covered by air attacks of the Anti-IS Alliance and supported by U.S. special forces, back Iraqi ground troops in the West of the country on the strongholds of the “Islamic state” (IS). During the battle for the city of Heet in Anbar province managed to free hundreds of prisoners from an underground prison of the jihadists, reported police Colonel Fadhel al-Nimrawi. The troops had discovered the IS-prison, as they conquered parts of the city from the Islamists.

The news Agency AFP quoted a for Anbar officials responsible, the reports of about 1500 liberated people, most of them civilians. The local administration confirmed that the army had found a “large prison”.

The IS had brought the Region to the North and West of Baghdad in the year 2014 under his control. Meanwhile, the government troops, and with them, allied units, however, larger areas in the back. Heet and Falluja are one of the largest cities in Anbar, are still largely dominated by the Sunni jihadists.

The USA are hunting Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of the IS-Caliphate

Al-Baghdadi in the visor

From the Pentagon’s new warnings to the leadership of the IS-Caliphate arrived on Saturday. So how to have terror chief Osama Bin Laden was finally tracked down, would you believe, one day, the jihadist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. “We will hunt him and we will find him,” said US military spokesman Steve Warren.

The US had found al-Baghdadi’s “Mentor” Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the former head of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and killed Warren. “We al-Baghdadi and he will be held accountable.” He was still not sure whether the justice one day, “like a Hellfire missile,” or as a “dark jail cell” look will, said the military spokesman.

No mercy with the IS-leaders: the US military spokesman Steve Warren

The US Colonel, according to the jihadist leader spends his time both in Iraq and in Syria. In both countries, the militia controlled areas, and prevails in their self-proclaimed Caliphate, with a brutal Hand.

Al-Baghdadi is a bounty in the amount of ten million dollars (nearly 8.8 million euros). Pentagon chief Ashton Carter had declared just a week ago, the U.S. armed forces “systematically began to eliminate” the leadership of the IS. So was it managed in the recent past, “kill a number of key terrorists”, the militia.

U.S. stepping up pressure on fronts in Syria

In Syria, the U.S. army launched a new training program for moderate rebels, after a previous approach had failed in the amount of $ 500 million. Instead of all the rebel units from the Syrian Front to be deducted, would now be formed of the participating battle groups, only a handful of fighters from the United States, said military spokesman Warren.

Is considering, according to the Washington government for an increase in the US special forces in Syria circles. Target is the latest site to take advantage of gains in the fight against the Islamist militia IS better, – quotes Agency Reuters people with knowledge of the plans. An exact number was not called. However, it should be a significant gain of around 50 special forces in a conversation, currently, as a military adviser for the Syrian rebels behind the Front.

SC/rb (afp, rtr, APE)