Comment: the division of labour in multi-cultural times



Comment: the division of labour in multi-cultural times

The Algerian author Boualem şansal warns of radical Islam. Is it a coincidence that currently, especially Muslims warn of Islamism? If Yes, that would be a case of cultural Apartheid, writes Kersten Knipp.

The Algerian-French writer Boualem şansal

The Algerian author Boualem şansal what you call a success writer. His novels, linguistically and psychologically dense exploration of the Algerian everyday life, will find many readers. His most recent novel, “2084” has come a long way since its release half a year ago even one of the best-selling French-language novels. Beyond all the art of language is likely to have also brought the latent apocalyptic title of the book buyer: “2084” – this is the sequel of “1984”, George Orwell’s gloomy picture about the year that was, as he wrote the novel in 1948, still distant future.

In reality, it came known to be different: The real 1984 was more relaxed then, but clearly as that, “1984”, by Orwell his readers had, over the decades flushed. In this respect, it is to be hoped that “2084” will be as shrill alarmism. Because Boualem şansal a time, in the Islamist believe dictatorship to dominate the planet: secularism, pluralism describes in the novel, the consciousness of the relativity of all order are relics of yesteryear; in its place devotion is taken a jealous God.

Islamophobia and hysteria?

Why is “2084” is a Bestseller? A sense of doom, at the latent racism or the Islamophobia of the French? Or from hysteria, triggered by the two major attacks last year in January (of the”Charlie Hebdo”), and November (“Bataclan”)? Everything is just an artificially high gepushter media hype? You don’t know it. Add to this, but the success of Michel Houellebecqs novel “submission”, it is a literary staging of the lively perceived fear of Islam, you can say one thing clearly: with regard to the multi-cultural life, the French are much more pessimistic than the German.

DW-author Kersten Knipp

To do this, you can congratulate yourself, if you want to. Germany, the Land of the optimists – who would have thought the recently! You “will it” – that is, the Integration of a few hundred thousand Muslims, to create, because there is little doubt in the media and political Public.

Convinced Multiculturalists would of course exclaim at this point: It is not Muslims, but people would. Probably true, at least to the half. There are people who are also Muslims. Even in the opitimist Japanese sentiment in Germany that is not the view all relaxed. What the immigrants carry in your heart? How do you see the open society, like the relaxed attitude of the German with cultural diversity? The honest answer is: You don’t know it.

The own openness to the world (or at least, that’s what a lot of Germans), the high level of the songs on difference and Métissage, such as the academically refined and at the universities so passionately circulated terms to mean: Are you an adequate description of reality? Or just my projection? Again, We don’t know it (yet).

The return of the Repressed?

It is all the more striking to know that Boualem şansal know it, or at least claimed to be. Şansal, Born in 1949, holder of the peace prize of the German book trade, and of his life in Algeria alive, warns. And not just in fiction. He does this also in the latest issue of the weekly newspaper “die Zeit”, and very explicitly. He also says: he Would not be a Muslim, should he speak in the West. A bold sentence. And yet, strangely confirmed in this issue of “time”. There are three Muslims, more precisely, a Muslim, the lawyer Syran Ateş, and two Muslims, the Turkish-Austrian scholar of Islam Ednan Aslan and şansal even warn against an Islamisation of Europe.

The ethnically German journalists, however, mostly optimistic. The pessimism you leave a few (selected) Muslims. What do you mean by: as the return of the Repressed? As a refined division of labour, devised to tell under politically difficult conditions, the apparently hard-to-Predictable, but still? Or simply as proof that the multicultural Experiment has secretly worked out yet, the Muslims (in any case, the harshest critics are those three) its self? Again, You don’t know it. Impressively, the success of the multi-cultural society would be occupied then, if criticism and self-criticism is not even the appearance of raised, you were along ethnic lines.

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