Riots in protests against the labour market reform in France



Riots in protests against the labour market reform in France

The unemployment is want to relax at a record level, President Hollande’s why the 35-hour week. For weeks, there is Protest against these plans. On the fringes of demonstrations, there was severe rioting.

Against the controversial labour market reform of the government in France, again hundreds of thousands of people on the street. The CGT was one of 1.2 million participants at events in 250 cities. The interior Ministry put the number of demonstrators to about 390.000. Workers, students, and the students fear the Reform, loss of social security.

The editorial recommends

To are Thousands of them passed in France against plans by the socialist government on the road. More than 100 schools remained closed. The Valls Cabinet is trying to calm the tempers. (17.03.2016)

The program warranty Jeunes is to give young people from France’s Problem suburbs Jobs. A good approach, not my Economists, even if the measure go far enough. (15.03.2016)

Projectiles and batons

In several cities – including Paris, Nantes, Rennes and Marseille – it came to clashes between young protesters and the police. Part of masked youths pelted the police force with throwing smoke bombs, shot and detonated, the officials used batons, tear gas and water cannons. There were recorded numerous. Government spokesman Stéphane Le Foll called on all Parties to “rest”.

But also beyond the riots of Protest in a significant impact: strikes. in the case of the French state Railways SNCF and Paris transport operators, resulted in disability in local and long – distance transport Because the air traffic controllers, their work had laid out, were flights cancelled and there were delays. Was a strike also in the electricity group EDF and in the public sector, the Eiffel tower in Paris because of the Strike closed in.

Schools in Paris blocked

In Protest against the plans of the socialist government, blocked the students in the Metropolitan area of Paris, the entrances to some 50 high schools, told how a student organization. Also in other French cities, there were blockades in front of schools. According to trade Union data, there were some 200 rallies.

In several cities there were clashes between police and protesters

The unions go for weeks against plans by President Francois Hollande to the barricades, to the French labour law soften. At the beginning of March, more than 200,000 people took to the streets. The organizers spoke of around 450,000, protesters. Already a week ago, it was
Come to protests by students serious riots.

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Protests against labour-market reform in France (24.03.2016)








Mr. Wong






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Protests against labour-market reform in France (24.03.2016)

In order to get the record unemployment, want to Hollande and his Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, loosen, among other things, the 35-hour week and the rules for compulsory redundancies, simplify. This was also met with the left party wing of their Socialist party to criticism.

Creates Hollande is reversing the trend?

This keeps the Reform for entrepreneurs is friendly, although the government due to the ongoing protest has toned down its original plans. The Cabinet had decided to Reform last week. The national Assembly will be from the 3. May, in plenary, on the project for advice.

Hollande has turn a new candidacy in the presidential election in the spring of 2017, a trend on the labour market. At the end of February, more than to 3.59 million people were reported in France without a Job, 2.5 percent more than a year previously and a new all-time high.

uh/rb/cw (dpa, afp)