Comment: Republicans are sliding into existential crisis


US elections

Comment: Republicans are sliding into existential crisis

Also, when “Super Tuesday” has Donald Trump won and seems to stop. But he has against Hillary Clinton a Chance? The Republicans are stuck in a virtually insurmountable Dilemma, says Ines Pohl.

Hillary Clinton is the clear winner of this super Tuesday. Actually, she’s not stopping now. To many delegates you can win or super delegates behind gather that Bernie Sanders could make you seriously competitive. Even if he could bring in a respectable four States, majorities behind.

If you hold in all this election madness for a moment, one sees the remarkable in this moment, the story is written. With high probability, with these results: Hillary Clinton will be the first woman to be named in the United States to a presidential candidate.

For decades, they fight without reservation to the White house. No humiliation they could to stop it, neither the Sex scandals of her husband’s blows, nor political. Of your to learn, that it is not bad to fall from the horse. And the only mistake would be to stay.

Republican party is the big loser

This woman is a discipline, and will pur. It would not be fair to make this commitment, to reduce, alone, the Hunger for Power. With great continuity, Clinton is fighting for their vision of a better and fairer world. Without their work it would be Obama Care, the health insurance for all, never given.

Now you do not need to agree with their political concepts and basic economic assumptions. Nevertheless, a day on which this commitment is recognized should be today. Because this year, in 2016, America is more than Donald Trump.

What brings us inevitably to the big loser of this Evening. It is the Republican party. As expected, Trump has won in great style and in seven of the twelve States won. Ted Cruz can make it through its expected profit in Texas and the little Surprise by his narrow victory in Oklahoma points. But it would have to happen very Amazing, so he can charge Trump actually still the frontrunner position.

Marco Rubio remains cut off. And even though many moderate Republicans had clung desperately to the hope that the Senator from Florida would score because of its recent attacks against Trump. This battle seems to hit.

And so it is now very, very awkward for the Republicans, who refer to themselves as the “Grand Old Party” (GOP), the “Grand old party”.

Another candidate to nominate?

Should you choose a Donald Trump actually a candidate for the presidency, if the party comes to your big party together and the delegates nominate the candidates? Well-known politicians, start now, more or less openly reflect on the possibility to refuse this support. So simple a other to appoint a candidate of its own.

But what understanding of democracy would reflect that, if the delegates from the individual States, not to the vote of the voters would hold?

With all understanding for the needs of the party: Who takes elections seriously, you must accept the results, even if they hurt.

In addition, Donald Trump has announced very early on that he would compete in the case of doubt, even as an independent candidate in the actual election campaign. So without a party book, but then provided proof that he’s not letting anyone stop. Also not of a party, for which he went into the election campaign and which would pass through such a decision, perhaps, in the existential credibility problems. A Dilemma, as it appears in the book.

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