Comment: The Oscar prize is not a Nobel



Comment: The Oscar prize is not a Nobel

What Oscar tells us about the class of the movies? Not much, says Jochen Kürten, but about the state of the world.

His jacket was a comment on the debate around the non-observance of black filmmakers: presenter Chris Rock

Imagine the following scenario: There is a man occurs in the autumn in Stockholm in front of the door of a filled hall with representatives of the press from all over the world, and announces the Nobel laureate in the field of Film. Unthinkable. And yet not so far-fetched. Finally, there is also a literature Nobel.

In other arts, also know a Nobel prize, such as, for example, the music and the architecture, it is comparable to the highly respected awards. In the world of music, for example, the Ernst von Siemens prize, for the architects, the Pritzker prize.

The film world but also has the Oscar, some say now. But Oscar is different. He is different because he is different, compared with the above-mentioned prices, in a number of things fundamental to you.

Media hype and commercial event

First of all, The Oscar award is a national Film. He is limited from a few well-dosed international a sprinkling of the apart – to the English-language film world. A Nobel prize for literature, could decide each year only between writers such as Philip Roth and Toni Morrison, Jonathan Franzen, and Joyce Carol Oates – unthinkable.

Secondly, The Oscar is a commercial media event. Firstly, because he influenced the American cinema market, when it comes to production processes and start dates for the individual films. On the other, because the Transmission of the Oscar ceremony, in the meantime, a high profile media event that everything else, even the excellent movies in the Background.

And Thirdly, The reporting in the run-up to this award ceremony has now reached absurd dimensions.

Concentrated to look at the big productions from Hollywood

The Oscar says nothing about the state of world cinema in an artistic sense. He shows how the great lines of the seventh art run, is not an innovative film-makers from other continents and Nations into the spotlight. This is often forgotten in the massive media hype about this Movie.

DW-editor Jochen Kürten

This year, once again, a couple of very good and also artistically interesting films from English-speaking countries have been awarded, is not an argument against this Thesis. “Spotlight” is a dynamically staged Film about two important topics: the sex abuse scandal within the Catholic Church and the investigative journalism. “The Revenant” is a stunning nature film with great image panels. The six Oscars for “Mad Max” and prices for films like “Ex Machina,” and “Everything” draw the deserved attention to the witch master of the film craft of the great American Studios.

The value of the Oscars: discussions on the problems of the world

But tell us this prices anything about the value and the artistic development of the cinema? Hardly – apart from the not unimportant American film.

The value of the Oscars is to be found elsewhere. He directs the eye of the world public opinion on social conditions and problems. On the non-observance of black film artists this year, especially – and the problems within the United States. This was driven on the actual Oscar night presenter Chris Rock with allusions and scathing comments on the tip.

From climate change to girls ‘ murders

The viewers watching on television were also made to the threat of climate change in the world’s attention through the Oscar award-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio. And some of them are likely – due to the award of a Pakistan documentary film “A Girl in the River in –
The Price of Forgiveness”- for the first Time, of the many murders of young girls in the subcontinent.

That it now is spoken, is a credit to the Academy awards. And enjoy the many colorful images from the red carpet you can also. For most viewers this should be anyway the main reason, the TVs turn on. Commercial Oscar pays for the Honoree anyway. But a Nobel prize for the world of cinema, which focuses on art and culture, Inspiration and Innovation, not the Oscar.