Pie-attack on the AfD-politician



Pie-attack on the AfD-politician

Beatrix von Storch has until September 27. May Birthday. Nevertheless, they received during a meeting with the AfD-party friends a cake – however, in the face.

One feels in a silent film with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, alias Laurel and hardy moved, but the scene takes place in Kassel, Germany in the year 2016: A Clown-clad man stuck in a Hotel in the North Hessen city of the AfD politician Beatrix von Storch with a cake.

As the spokesman of the right-wing populist party, Christian Lüth told, entered during a non-public meeting of the Federal program Commission of the “Alternative for Germany”, the two disguised men in the room. One of them sang “Happy Birthday”. Then he threw a cream pie at the two Deputy AfD Chairman of stork, and Albrecht Glaser. The second man filmed the action.

The editorial recommends

The protests of the Public against the proposal of the AfD to shoot refugees at the border, not a cover: The German right-wing populists have become strong, says Kay-Alexander Scholz. (01.02.2016)

The AfD Board of Directors puts into perspective the controversial Remarks of party Chairman Petry to the possible use of weapons against refugees. The party remains, however, in their criticism of the Federal government. (01.02.2016)

Politicians called the police

The around 20 participants of the AfD event rushed immediately after the throw with an attack on the intruders and called the police. Of stork, although from top to bottom with the cake spilled, immediately a political Statement: “he Who has no arguments, the tears off posters, burn cars or disrupts meetings with pies.”

Von Storch is a member of the European Parliament and AfD country Chairman in Berlin. She was recently advised, as party leader Frauke Petry – because Statements about a possible use of firearms against refugees at German borders in the criticism. Von Storch of your Statements was put into perspective later.

To known of the attack, the “Peng team-based”, a group of Berlin-based performance artist, presented a Video of the action with the title “Tortaler war against the AfD” into the network. The use of cream cakes is referred to as the “ultima ratio”. “The pie throw is a last resort at the border tree for the inhumanity, and the more urgent expression of direct democracy.”

wl/SC (dpa)