The last revolt of Trumps rivals



The last revolt of Trumps rivals

The “Super Tuesday” with primaries in eleven States, is about the success of the presidential bid of the Immobilientycoons decide. Reason enough for Rubio and Cruz, on TV, even once the knife to the whet.

The editorial recommends

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After his Victories in three of the first four primaries of the US Republican’s presidential candidate Donald Trump (M.) of his rival, Marco Rubio (li.) and Ted Cruz strongly attacked. In the last televised debate before “Super Tuesday” on 1. March, when the Republican base in eleven States vote, threw Rubio the Immobilientycoon, on its construction sites in the 1980s, illegal immigrants to have occupied.

Trump: “I’m the only one of the people has stopped”

“The Polish Workers. A penalty of one Million dollars, because he is of Polish workers on one of his projects,” said Rubio during the debate in Texas Houston. With a view of trump’s Plan for a wall at the Mexico border added later: “If he has the wall on the way it builds, as he is the Trump Tower built, then it is illegal immigrants.”

Trump responded sharply to Rubios broadside: “I’m the only one on this stage, the people has set in. You have no one.” But the Senator shot back and said the origin of the billionaire from rich circumstances: “If it is not 200 million inherited would have, you know, where Donald Trump now? Watches sell in Manhattan.”

Rubio: “solution of the conflict no Immobiliendeal”

Also Cruz went Trump on the news channel CNN transferred debate, too hard. Cruz suggested that Trump financial irregularities could hide, because he has no tax returns have released. In the foreign policy criticized Cruz and businessman, is not on the side of Israel to stand in and a neutral stance in negotiations over a peace agreement with the Palestinians to take. This is another area in which Trump with the democratic Präsidentschaftsbewerberin Hillary Clinton to agree. Rubio added: “The solution of the conflict is not Immobiliendeal”.

Also in the health care reform of President Barack Obama was Trump under pressure. Rubio accused him of some elements of Obamacare, such as the compulsory membership of all citizens to support and no Plan for a replacement.

Also, Kasich and Carson ahead in the race

Cruz had at the beginning of February, the first area code of the Republicans in Iowa won. The next three votes in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada clearly went to Trump, the also in nation-wide polls in the lead. Rubio, behind the moderate Conservative and the Republican Establishment have gathered, is still waiting for the first pre-victory. In the race continue to be Ohio’s Governor John Kasich and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson, also on the televised debate took part.

When “Super Tuesday” wrestling the presidential candidates of Republicans and Democrats in the eleven States to delegates. The votes of both parties in the 50 States pull himself up in the early summer, their candidates to elect the delegates of Republicans and Democrats officially on the Nominierungsparteitagen in July. The USA then choose the 8. November, a new head of state. The Democrat Obama after two terms of office not to re-compete.

sti/uh (afp, dpa, rtr)