The charm Offensive of the Mark Zuckerberg



The charm Offensive of the Mark Zuckerberg

It is a gigantic PR Show of the Facebook founder in Germany. The guarantees in terms of Hetzkampagnen more use to. 200 employees would have in Berlin an eye on the Problem. Critical Questions? Forbidden.

Mediengiganten: Mark Zuckerberg (left) with Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner

Journalists are extras – so you could get the language of images to summarize, the boss of the largest social network in the world, Mark Zuckerberg, in these days in Berlin show, always surrounded by shielding helpers. Reporter with a microphone allowed the man not to come close. Because of the wants finally, the close-knit program within the framework of his charm Offensive on German soil processing, rather than on spontaneous, possibly unpleasant questions to answer.

The Facebook founder knows what is expected of him, with a view on the sensitive topics
Data protection and
Hetzkampagnen. And he knows that it is not only about the True, Beautiful, Good, but especially about a lot of Cash: Tilts the political mood, could be his business model is quite dangerous. So was Zuckerberg, self-critical: “I do not think that we have a sufficiently good Job,” he said at a gig in the German capital. “For hate speech, there is no place on Facebook and in our Community.”

Sore Point: Hasskommentare

After heavy criticism had Facebook in the past few months, the measures against the hateful posts and comments aggravated. For the examination of the content will also be additional employees in Germany. In Berlin, looking after a Team of 200 people to the Problem of the Hetz-posts, said Zuckerberg on a so-called Townhall Meeting, in which only a few, had been carefully selected questions could be set.

Look into the future: Zuckerberg (center) and Mathias Döpfner (right) present innovations

The social network got refugees are now among the groups of people added, for the particular protection on the platform is true – at first only in the Federal Republic of Germany. But soon, says Zuckerberg, will this have on the Rest of the world expanded.

In the framework of his two-day visit, plays the self-made billionaire scores on the keyboard of the PR: Similar to how Facebook was also Berlin, “only one per cent done”. This was “very inspiring” for him. And, because of its history stand the city for the Mission of his company, connecting people with each other – like no other, symbolizing the Tearing down of walls.

Loose on the go: Facebook founder Zuckerberg loves the Berlin snow

Seven-Figure Cash

German politicians are trying, valiantly, not as a willing helper in terms of public Relations, to stand. Bundesjustizminister Heiko Maas, even in the moment rather with colorful themes in the press, told the “Ruhr news”, he’ll just keep an eye on whether Facebook its Commitments to respect, strengthened against Hasskommentare to proceed. “We will observe how successful these initiatives are in practice,” said the SPD politician.

Be Parteikollege, the EU Parliament President Martin Schulz, had on Thursday during the presentation of the newly created innovation award of the Axel-Springer publishing house on Zuckerberg warned: “in Europe We measure the privacy of great importance.”

Windelwechsel in 20 seconds

Zuckerberg said about privacy to the ceremony – nothing. Prefer to talk to the 31-Year-old the next day in front of the students about Vaterfreuden and high performance in the changing table: He could in 20 seconds, a diaper change, so the Facebook boss. And he fair the time, to always be better. After all, he was able to he in the Townhall Meeting, to the determination of mind, he can see the point that Germany because of its history, has a special attitude to have a privacy.

On the seats for the spectators had Facebook small three-dimensional wood Puzzles are stored – perhaps for the case that the whether the pre-filtered, always watered-down modern questions bored. Putting the Puzzle parts of the Zuckerberg visit in Berlin together, so we see a lot of glossy pictures, behind the plain Numbers – there are now about 28 million German the social network, and especially a fierce struggle with a great PR machine, the hard business behind the casual chitchat to make us forget, as well as critical comments, the simple compliance with legal rules to remember.

So said the Hamburg data protection supervisor Johannes Caspar the Redaktionsnetzwerk hit German bookshops: “Facebook is collecting too much data, tracks its users and is on their real names, even if it is against the law.” Caspars work is in contrast to those of Mark Zuckerberg, because of under-funding according to its own statement, by the way, is in acute danger.

jj/ml (dpa, afp)