Day and year, coming back from the bar



Day and year, coming back from the bar

Leap years are fascinated by people. Maybe it is because you a day to include other. This is the 29. February no extra day, but only a mathematical Trick to lost time to catch up.

In my family, tells you that my father at 29. February, born in 1936, had been – so on a leap day in a leap year a long time ago. Perhaps it fits quite well to a man who used to say, he was interested in and not for birthdays: Thus he would have a good excuse to get three of almost four celebrate to let fail.

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But you should know that my father is a passionate storyteller was his professional life, he had at weekly markets started. To this extent it could also be that he wasn’t born in 1936, was, but, perhaps, already in 1935 – in a “normal” year.

What is the difference between a normal and a leap year?

According to the Gregorian calendar – the world has become the has a year of 365 days. A leap year, on the other hand has 366 days. This is an attempt, the accuracy of the Western-Christian calendar with the earth’s rotation around the sun to bring it in line – and with other astronomical events: the summer and Wintersonnenwenden, which is the beginning of the Kalendersommers and winter mark, and in the day-and-night-Same, the Equinox. These are the two dates where day and night are of equal length. You mark the calendar spring and Autumn.

Where is the Problem?

Quite simply: There is no perfect calendar. Each calendar describes a year, but it is never a mathematically perfect year.

Actually, a year is the time it takes the earth to the sun to go around. This period of time, by astronomers as a tropical year, but takes not exactly 365 days. The exact period between two spring-day-and-night-Same actually takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. As a decimal number accurate are the 365.2422 days.

Roughly each year is almost six hours longer than the calendar year. And the leap years compensate for this 0,2422 days. If we had no leap years, would our seasons, after 100 years, to 24 days to get out of sync.

How often do we need leap years?

Every four years there is a leap year, with some exceptions. And this is how it happened: Originally, were leap years by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar and his Julian calendar introduced. At that time, was strictly the rule: Every four years there is a leap year. But that led to Overcompensation.

In the Gregorian calendar, the astronomer Aloysius Lilius in 16. Century developed, and the Paps Gregory XIII was named, were tougher rules. Thus, leap years, years in which the year divisible by four is. There are still Jahrhundertjahre, the “00” ending. These are not leap years – unless they can, by 400 to be divided: Then there are but what.

So you have to be some leap years skip, to compensate for that 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds still 11 minutes and 14 seconds shorter than a Vierteltag. You corrected, so the correction. But, nonetheless, at the end of a not quite perfect sum back.

Competition calendar

The Gregorian calendar was first used in Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain in the year 1582 introduced. He is regarded today as one of the most accurate calendar, but still has a deviation of about 27 seconds per year from the tropical calendar about a day every 3236 years. He is, among all the historical calendars only in the fourth place, when it comes to accuracy.

The solar calendar of the Maya from about 2000 before Christ came on a deviation of one day in 6500 years. The revised Julian calendar is from the year 1923 had only a deviation of one day in 31.250 years and the Iranian solar calendar Hijri, which is about as old as the calendar of the Maya, had a margin of error of one day in the life of 110,000 years. This calendar reached its precision, putting himself in astronomical observations, oriented and not in mathematical logic.

Have different calendars for leap years?

The Chinese calendar has leap years with leap months, but no leap days as the Gregorian calendar. Also the calendar of the Hindus pushes you in a Leap. An Ethiopian calendar has 13 months, with the 13. Month in normal years, five days, and in leap-years six. In Islam, there are within a 30-year cycle of 11 leap years. The Jewish leap year has between 383 and 385 days and occurs seven Times in a 19-year-old cycle on.

What benefits us the Geschalte?

We’re already pretty much back and forth: The world time is adjusted regularly to inaccuracies in the rotation of the earth balance. For people, it is very important to feel that you are in rhythm with nature. So geared to specific holidays, certainly not by coincidence just at astronomical events: Easter around the spring equinox.

But would we have such reasons not to – would it really make a difference for us when the seasons from month to month move would be, or we over thousands of years and a couple of hours or days you would lose? Would we even notice?