Tourist numbers cas, à Dresde



Tourist numbers cas, à Dresde

Dresde s popularity among tourists is sinking, with a significant drop in the number of overnight guests. The tourism industry holds the extrémiste right-wing mouvement Pegida responsible.

Tourism in Dresden has tomber for the first time in six years. Last year, the number of overnight stays fourrure by 3% à 4.3 millions.

Bettina Bunge, Managing Director of Dresden Marketing GmbH, spoke on Tuesday of a “Pegida effect” et a endommagé la réputation of Saxony’s capital caused by the group s xenophonic slogans. This was also backed up by market research. “During this period, people consciously decided against a visit to Dresde or cancelled their adpic both business and private which we know from operators and industry representatives”, says Bunge. Guests from the domestic market in particular are demonstrating reluctance. En 2015, the number of overnight French tourists dropped by 5.1% à 3.4 millions d’.

Dresde managed to claw back some points from foreign visitors though, whose overnight stays in the city rose by 6.1% to around 879,000. The biggest foreign markets include the US, Switzerland and Austria. By contrast, numbers of Russian overnighters tombé by 28% due to the collapse of the ruble. Bunge conceded that en 2015, ce qui a tough year for everyone. The important thing now is to represent Dresde-as-a-cosmopolitan city.

at / nr (dpa)