AfD: populism and more



AfD: populism and more

Before important regional elections is the “Alternative for Germany” is currently doing well in the polls. But what does the party actually, except that you Proteststimmen together? An analysis by Kay-Alexander Scholz.

Meanwhile the AfD as
populist party, with the fear of refugees in Germany on wooing the votes. Such, however, initially not at all, explains the sociologist and AfD-researchers Andreas Kemper . Finally have Parteigründer Bernd Lucke of the AfD as a Protest against the Eurorettungspolitik founded. And even then, I Luke, is actually a neo-liberal project pursued, declares the sociologist and AfD-researchers Andreas Kemper – “so a policy, the differences between rich and poor has worsened”.

That despite the move away from Luke, still a strong neo-liberal wing give, show for the personnel Alice Weidel. The 36-year-old economist is the program Committee. She began her career in the University of Bayreuth for his radical market ideas well-known health economists Peter Oberender. Currently, calls for the abolition of the wealth tax, a main requirement of neo-liberal thought. On a party Congress in April, the first AfD-program to be decided – Weidel has many strings in his hands.

Three Wings

Kemper, of the development of the AfD from the point of view of their socio-demographic composition are examined, in addition to the Neo-liberal two more party-wing.

Figurehead Beatrix von Storch

Evangelicals and ultrakatholische AfDler formed a clerical wing. You wanted gender equality and minorities of the past few years back. A Central figure in the process
Beatrix von Storch, who at the same time “as the hinge of the German high aristocracy” serve. Your campaigns network is extremely influential.

With Björn Höcke, and Poggenburg was also the school of thought of the so-called New rights in the AfD represented, the right ideas in conservative circles carries. These three groups would complement one another very well. The content of intersections are what the AfD is currently making up, explains Kemper.

Blurred Profile

That it was an AfD does not exist, see also others. The political scientist Hendrik carrier describes the party as “ideologically-politically-strategically heterogeneous protest party with the character of a Sammlungsbewegung”. You make it too easy, you’d only by a right-wing party to speak, says carrier.

The AfD was also wertkonservativ, nationalkonservativ and wirtschaftsliberal. The missing or fuzzy profile, but a pity the party currently do not because of the Protest in the foreground stands.

Rights Spielhäfte abandoned?

For the Parteienforscher Werner Patzelt of Dresden fits the label right-wing populists, on the one hand, but then again not. The AfD was the German manifestation of that right-wing populism, “in other States of Europe are an integral part of the local political system”. There is so much of a stir, because the appearance for Germany new. In the past they would have had the CSU-the CDU and the CSU, it is understood that the right-wing populism to integrate.

Who is at AfD in the future have a Say?

The “Sozialdemokratisierung” of the Union under Angela Merkel would have the but to an end. The conservatives and the right would not listen to it more found and be of opportunities for advancement in the party kept aloof. The “homeless Become” would themselves but not as a right winger to understand, but from the Conviction to act, they are “the real CDU”. The further strength of the AfD slopes, therefore, “the extent to which the CSU this Potential re-integrate”. The “Rekonsolidierung the Union after the Extinction of the Merkel Era must be to Regain the right stage of the game,” says Patzelt.

Benefitted from a General change?

But behind the current success of am also a “big geistespolitische emotional power”. The New Right would be currently the intellectual hegemony of the so-called generation of ‘ 68, the “linksgrünes Thinking to the political Normaldenkstil” ‘ve made, as Patzelt describes it, fight it. As “time in the course of the’ 68 movement, as the Left, the Bourgeois, the power of interpretation have taken from that point is a new change of paradigm”. It could be the AfD benefit. – If it is the party creates itself from sliding into a right-wing movement to keep away, so no dull cheeks of the clay”.

Much will the progress of history, the behaviour of the other parties to depend on, says political scientist carrier. The previous attacks were counterproductive because they Solidarisierungseffekte ignited. “If you lost voters want to regain, then you have the content position, then you have the voters to explain why they come back,” carriers. The exploration of the contents, for example, in the case of TV-duels or discussions to resist, do not belong to. Instead, it would have “political Narrative”, so explanations for political concepts. But remember drive it currently.