SIPRI: crisis cranks world’s arms trade to



SIPRI: crisis cranks world’s arms trade to

The peace research Institute SIPRI presents new Figures on the international arms trade. Main exporters are: The USA is far ahead of Russia. The main customers are sitting in Asia and the Middle East.

Just before ten days, at the Munich security conference, the Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev to the world in a new Cold war seen. In the Ukraine, and particularly in the Middle East rage wars. In East Asia makes the aggressive Occur, China’s neighbors Worry, while in South Asia the relations between rivals India and Pakistan continue to be highly tense.

At the same time, is growing worldwide terror threat. The extremely tense situation of global security reflected in the flourishing shops of the large armories. This comes from the latest Figures of the Stockholm Friedensforschungsinstituts SIPRI. To the fluctuations at large Rüstungsaufträgen balance, the SIPRI experts, the global arms transfers in the Five-year periods. Worldwide, in the last five years, 14 percent more weapons exported than in the five previous years.

Middle East: More crises, more weapons

Most went to Asia, and in the crisis-hit Middle East. Between Persian Gulf and the Bosporus increased imports of heavy weapons – only on the refers to the SIPRI report to 61 percent. Between 2011 and 2015 for India only more weapons imported as the 30 million-inhabitant country of Saudi Arabia. The Ölscheichtum has its arms purchases over the period 2006 to 2010 nearly tripled. Already on place four of the largest Waffenimporteure follow with just five million inhabitants populated the United Arab Emirates, ranked sixth in the Turkey.

SIPRI expert Pieter Wezeman shows the development of a little surprised. The Region of conflict marked by internal as well as from those between States, said Wezeman in the DW-Interview. The States of the Region would have large Budgets. That would by the low price of Oil is only now changing. Also, would these countries not have their own arms industry and are therefore to purchases on the international market rely.

Mexico: Tripled Imports

More striking movements on the buy-side: Mexico has its imports of heavy weapons in the last five years over 2006 to 2010 more than tripled. A consequence of the Drogenkrieges, which in the last ten years estimated 100,000 people fell victim to it. Waffenhandelsexperte Wezeman explains, Mexico, among other things, have heavily in lightly armored vehicles invested. “Vehicles against attacks with assault rifles or machine guns to protect it, but not before the bombardment of missiles”, says Wezeman.

Africa: poverty prevents upgrading

In Africa eliminates about half of the Waffenimporte on only two States: The neighbouring countries of Morocco and Algeria. Both States have, due to their relatively good economic situation, has adequate funds for the Waffenkauf. And, says the SIPRI expert: Both States are looked at with great mistrust, and are in an arms race with each other occurred.

Overall, was particularly Sub-Saharan Africa despite the many smoldering conflicts because of the many places weak economy, a rather insignificant market for heavy weapons. Wezeman sees this as a Problem. Because many African countries are in peace-keeping missions involved. Often but would their soldiers poorly equip or false: “These States don’t invest in the weapons for UN operations would be required. You invest in other weapons, the more prestige due to buy.”

USA: the world’s largest arms dealer

On the side of the Waffenexporteure have the USA and Russia, their positions as key suppliers of military equipment developed. A third of global arms exports not applicable alone to the U.S., which is still 27 per cent growth. The USA, especially in the troubled region Near middle East for continued supplies: The most important customer of the Americans was Saudi Arabia, are in second place in the Emirates, followed by Turkey.

From Russia comes a quarter of global arms exports. The main customers were located in China, India, and Vietnam. China has its arms exports, with an increase of 88 percent over the 2006 to 2010 almost doubled. With just under 6 percent of the global arms trade is that China is now ahead of France in third place and has become an important producer on the international Waffenmarkt firmly established. Wezeman leads to the increased quality of Chinese weapons back. Mainly goes to the Chinese military equipment to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. But also in Africa, attempts by China as Waffenlieferant to gain a foothold.

The Western European countries of France, Germany, great Britain, Spain, and Italy had between 2011 and 2015, together with a fifth of the global arms transfers in the Hand. This decrease in the exports of France to just under 10 per cent. The German arms exports went even to the half back. The reason: The economic crisis in many countries of Europe. Some of the European countries is lacking is simply the money for expensive armor, explained Wezeman. This, in turn, increase the pressure on the European arms industry, new markets to open. Germany attempts aggressive, his weapons around in the Middle East or in Asia to sell the a weapons expert from Stockholm observed.