Saxony on the way to the “failed state”?



Saxony on the way to the “failed state”?

Pöbeleien against incoming refugees in Clausnitz, cheering onlookers at a fire in Bautzen: The new xenophobic incidents in the Eastern state of alert, increasingly, the Federal level.

The fire in a planned Refugee in the Saxonian Bautzen is believed to deliberately have been placed. After the first investigations was of an intentional Brandlegung can be assumed, informed the police. There were traces of a fire Accelerant in the building have been discovered. For more information wanted to the investigator, not initially.

The former Hotel, the March as a Refugee, was in the night to Sunday in a fire. Onlookers showed, according to police “unabashed joy” and commented on the fire with snide remarks against the refugees. Also the fire-fighting operations were hampered. Officials recorded details of several bystander. Three 19 and 20-year-old Bautzen got players sent off, because the Work of the fire brigade massively handicapped.

“There is something very wrong in Saxony”

The integration Commissioner of the government, Aydan Özoguz

The events in Bautzen, Germany as well as the operations on Thursday in Clausnitz provided nationwide for horror. “There is something very wrong in Saxony”, said the integration Commissioner of the Federal government, Aydan Özoguz (SPD). “I am appalled that it was in Germany again to scenes in which a Mob applauded, because a refugee camp is burning”, explain Özoguz. Such behavior was “pathetic.”

They denounced, however, not only the behavior of pöbelnder citizens, but also the handling of the police with the refugees. “The behavior of the police in Clausnitz is deeply upsetting,” she explained. “A Mob roars xenophobic slogans, and prevents the driving of a bus with refugees for accommodation, and the police announces investigation against the refugees in the Bus.” For the umpteenth Time, could the Saxon police, no convincing picture of a rule of law.

A Screenshot from You-Tube Video about the Gewalteskalation in Clausnitz

The editorial recommends

After the Blockade of a Flüchtlingsbusses by a measurements-harassing amount, the police have her as a rabidly criticised the handling of asylum seekers, not just to defend. Rather, it will now also against the refugees is determined. (21.02.2016)

On Thursday evening, had about 100 angry people in a Bus with incoming refugees in Clausnitz, a District of the municipality of Rechenberg-Bienenmühle, blocked. A Video shows how a police officer a frightened young fugitive from the Bus and pulls. The Chemnitz police chief Uwe Reißmann had the procedure during a press conference on Saturday defended. In three of the refugees to their own security forced have been necessary. He announced, also investigations against the refugees to consider. Some Businsassen would have on the protesters, Gestures provoked.

“Because everything is already there once was”

The CDU-Bundesvize Armin Laschet told the newspaper “The world”: “In Bautzen and Clausnitz is the Integration of some of the German in our culture, for humanity, respect and decency is, failed.” Images of people, before burning houses howled, made him cringe. “Because everything is already there once was”, said Laschet.

The CDU-Vizechef Armin Laschet

The domestic policy spokesman of the SPD group in the Bundestag, Burkhard Lischka, said the “world”, Saxony had to be careful that it is not a kind of “failed state”, so the fruitless state, in terms of right-wing extremism was developing. The Green members of the German Parliament Monika Lazar told the newspaper, the Saxon state governments had since the 90s, the situation is dramatically underestimated. Therefore “the seed of Pegida rise”.

The Green party parliamentary group wants the events in Clausnitz in a Recent hour to discuss. “Such conditions should not exist,” said Parlamentsgeschäftsführerin Britta Haßelmann. “Clausnitz concerns us all.” The Deputy Left, Chairman Caren Lay said, in Saxony conquer “Pogromstimmung” against the refugees.

sti/haz (afp, dpa, kna)