Many Dead in Doppelanschlag in Homs



Many Dead in Doppelanschlag in Homs

Two bombings in the former Syrian rebel stronghold city of Homs at least 25 people were killed. According to the Opposition, there were 46. In the quarter, lives the religious minority, the Alawis.

The two car bombs exploded in the district of Sahraa, and killed 46 people, said the oppositionsnahe Syrian Observatory for human rights. More than 100 were hurt. Among those killed were many civilians, activists. The state news Agency Sana reported, however, of the 25 dead.

Television images of the public broadcaster showed flames and smoke over the Anschlagsort the zentralsyrischen city rises. Many injured lay on the road, several shops were destroyed. Rescue workers and policemen were deployed.

There are different values for the number of fatalities

To the fact well-known first no one. The explosions occurred in the especially of the religious minority, the Alawite-inhabited quarter. To this belongs also the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. According to the Observatory, this was one of the biggest attacks on Pro-government religious minority since the beginning of the Syrienkriegs.

The former rebel stronghold city of Homs is now mostly by Syrian government forces controlled. In the city there are often attacks. In January at a Doppelanschlag the Dschihadistenmiliz “Islamic state” (IS) known,
more than 20 people were killed. The Observatory relies on a network of informants in Syria. Your details are regardless hardly verifiable.

vk/pg (ap, afp, dpa, rtr)