Taliban send the target children in the fight



Taliban send the target children in the fight

In its campaign against government, police, and soldiers in Afghanistan to scare the militant Islamists will stop at nothing. Since last year, are now aware of children recruited in Religionsschulen.

Alone be competitive in the district Tschardara the province of Kunduz are 2015, at least 100 children recruited as fighters have been abused, like from one of the human rights organisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) report published shows. In Kunduz was until two years ago, the Bundeswehr is stationed. Last September the Taliban, the city temporarily almost completely occupied. The Radikalislamisten control still large parts of the province of Kunduz.

In Religionsschulen militarily trimmed

Kunduz was a major focus of research by the human rights activist. Then, use the insurgents are increasingly Religionsschulen for the military Training of children. You will be taught with weapons deal, to make bombs and place. Especially poor families send their children to these schools, because the expenditures for food and clothing.

The indoctrination begins, according to Human Rights Watch, during the Six-year-old. Most of the children were 13 to 17 years old. The UN special representative for children and armed conflict, Leila Zerrougui, pointed out, however, on reports, according to which the Taliban in Kunduz also Ten years in the fight sent.

In Religionsschulen, children are targeted with weapons made familiar

One in four killed or injured a child

The recruitment of children under international law, is prohibited. “The obvious strategy of the Taliban, and, increasingly, children in the battle to throw, is as cynical and cruel as to be unlawful”, said the HRW for Afghanistan competent expert Patricia Gossman. Afghan children should be in school and at home with their parents, not “for the uprising of the Taliban as cannon fodder to be exploited”.

According to the findings of the United Nations, the number of children that the war in Afghanistan, fell victim last year to 14 percent. Every fourth Dead or injured after this is a child.

se/pg (epd, dpa)